If you feel like your life could use a little more unconditional love, dogs are for you. They are great family pets that provide a real comfort to those living alone.
It takes a bit of money to take good care of a dog. Emergency care for animals can cost thousands of collars, so you may want to invest in health insurance for your dog.
You need to take your dog to the vet at lease once a year. Your dog will not be able to express its concerns, so it is not easy to know when he’s got arthritis or an aching tooth. A checkup once a year will help you find any problems before they become huge issues.
Since dogs cannot talk, you should pay close attention to the dog’s non-verbal speech. If you notice your dog is hesitant to meet a particular person or dog, do not force them to interact. This could end up in negative biting or a person being bit. Look for non-verbal cues and follow what the dog can guide your actions.
When you take your dog on vacation with you, snap a photo of the animal with your phone. This allows you to have a photo of him if he get lost.
If you keep some medication in your home, make sure that your dog does not have access to it. Call the vet as soon as possible if you suspect that the dog swallows any pills.
Be wary of the ingredients in many flea treatments. A lot of these medications have chemicals that might be bad for kids! Talk to the vet to determine if there are safer for use around small kids.
Don’t give in to the urge to feed your dog leftovers from your own plate. This will cause him to beg constantly and also inhibit his appetite toward his regular food.
Your dog may pick things up much easier when they get these type of signals. Try both ways and see which is best for your pet.
Brushing your pup daily will do much more than keep them from shedding all over your home. Brushing keeps the coat is shiny and healthy looking. The reason for this is that brushing motion will distribute the oil through the dog’s oils from its skin so it looks soft and shiny.
Make sure that your dog’s nails are trimmed nails. If they get too long and start to curl, you dog could experience quite a bit of pain. You can use store bought clippers and do this at home. If your dog does not respond well when you try to trim the nails, a groomer can easily attend to them for you.
There is a lot involved in taking good care of your dog. It is not as easy as just feeding it or taking it for a walk. Learn how to properly take care of all your dog’s needs. This will make the both of you very content in the long run.