This dog and dolphin’s unusual friendship is something to learn from
The dolphin loves to tease his friend by blowing bubbles!
Animals have their own ways of functioning and if only we take notice, their private life and survival battles will stun and surprise us, as they have if you’ve been keeping tabs on the viral videos we’ve been sharing. Remember the bloody fight between the penguins, when one found out a “home-wrecker” in his nest? Or the epic run of a newborn iguana chased down by den of snakes? All these videos not only amazed us but also highlighted unknown relation and bond in the animal world.
Another video of the animal kingdom has gone viral and is winning hearts on the Internet. The video is not violent in any way but very sweet. The National Geographic video features a unique bond between a dolphin and a dog.
It is true that both dogs and dolphins are very friendly creatures, but a bond as strong as what Ben, the dog and Duggie, the dolphin shares is beautiful.
In the heart-warming video, the duo is seen swimming in the sea and it all seems very normal if not natural. The white labrador and his friend – the dolphin swims for hours almost every day. Swimming for Duggie is normal, but Ben often pushes himself too much to enjoy. Of course you can’t blame him, in our childhood we never wanted to stop playing in the park despite being exhausted. Well, the same goes for little Ben.
Duggie love teasing his friend by blowing bubbles. Duggie, aware of Ben’s limitation of swimming even helps him to reach the shore when he is dead tired.
Their unique friendship is beyond understanding by us mortals but his owner says that Ben runs to the pier to greet and play with his friend. How Ben knows that the dolphin is approaching the shore, is out of knowledge but he appreciates it. His owner says he has other human and dog friends but Duggie is certainly his closest one.
Source: Indian Express