Woman Finds Puppy Abandoned In Airport Bathroom Then Reads Owner’s Note About Boyfriend’s Abuse
All pet owners know that their furry, feathery, and fluffy friends are like family members. Few things in this world are more precious than them, and they would do anything to protect them.
But when one woman was caught in a difficult situation, she had to make a spur-of-the-moment decision. And she decided that she should leave her 3-month-old puppy behind, in an airport bathroom.
The woman left a heartbreaking note for anyone who would find her puppy named Chewy. In it, she hastily explains that she did not leave him there by choice. As the victim of an abusive boyfriend, she was at the airport to escape him but couldn’t afford to pay for her dog’s place on the plane. In this moment, she didn’t have a choice but to leave him, no matter how much it broke her heart.
In the note, she also explains that her ex-boyfriend allegedly hurt the puppy on at least one occasion. She determined that Chewy would be safer in the hands of a stranger than within his reach.
Chewy was found soon after and taken in by a shelter before finding a new home.
In the clip below, you can see the note for yourself, but you can also see that Chewy is happy with his new owners!
By Ann-Sophie Kaemmerle
Source: Litle Things