Use the following tips to help make your pet into a happy and well-behaved.
This will help him associate good food to the crate.
Use control to acknowledge positive behavior during dog training. If your pet successfully completes a task, then it is acceptable to reward the behavior to a calm animal. Though you might be satisfied with this type of accomplishment, excitement on your part leads to excitement on their part and diminishes control of the situation.
The first thing your dog training is commanding control. You must command your dog’s respect by being able to maintain discipline, or he will ignore your commands. When you walk with your dog, walk in front of him to establish leadership.
As your dog gets better with training, you won’t need to exert so much control. The balance between freedom and obedience can give dogs a rewarding one. Just be careful not to overdo it on the freedom initially as it can set your dog is properly trained before giving him so much slack.
When approaching a dog you’ve never met, be sure to approach slowly and offer the dog the back of your hand to sniff. This gives the dog a chance to become accustomed to your personal scent and makes him you mean no harm.

Try toilet training your dog. Watch your pet to identify his unique behaviors and signals that they need to go outside. Don’t put it off when your dog needs to go out. Get his leash as you can take him to the designated potty area. Reward your dog for using the bathroom outdoors.
Teach your dog a simple command. If you repeat this long enough, the dog is sure to associate treats with the command to be silent.
Puppies have short attention spans and they cannot focus too much, therefore keep your sessions short and provide ample amounts of praise. If you do too much the puppy will just forget what you have taught him, he is likely to forget everything he learned and simply remember the experience in an unfavorable light, making it that much harder for you the next time you attempt the training.
Even your disobedient dog can be trained. By utilizing the right technique and some tenacity, it is possible to train most dogs. Implement the tips and tricks in this article to effectively train your dog.